NPR: "Driving The King" A Story Long In The Works
Driving The King is a fictionalized account of the adventures of Nat King Cole and his bodyguard driver. Author Ravi Howard says the idea was planted long ago.
The Burden of History: an Interview with Ravi Howard
"Growing up in Montgomery, I heard stories about the Civil Rights Movement from people who never became famous. That experience had an impact on my storytelling."
Salon.com: Ravi Howard on singer Nat King Cole
"Driving the King's" author talks about Nat King Cole: "The Jackie Robinson of television", the South and when it's OK to take liberties with history.
Book Page: What they're reading - Ravi HowarD
We were curious about the books Howard has enjoyed reading lately, so we asked him to recommend three favorites, which he graciously agreed to share.
The Rumpus: The Sunday Rumpus Interview - Ravi HowarD
Howard’s first novel, set in Mobile, Alabama, is about a lynching that occurs in the 1980s. Howard’s second novel, set in Montgomery, Alabama, is about a man who saves singer Nat King Cole from a mob and ends up with a job as his chauffeur. Of course, both novels are about so much more.